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History of the Village

Lomira was first settled by the Indians in 1840. White settlers, mostly from New York and various European countries, followed in 1843.

In the early years, stagecoaches provided transportation to Lomira on the historic Yellowstone Road, now Highway 175. In 1871, a railroad built just east of the original village brought more growth.

When the Village of Lomira was incorporated in 1899, it covered 530 acres and had a population of 433. At this time, Lomira consisted of a hotel, brewery, cigar factory, general store, drugstore, fish hatchery, furniture factory, shoe factory, blacksmith shop, campground, and hat shop. Unfortunately, most of these businesses ceased operations during the Great Depression.

As part of Wisconsin's dairy land, Lomira's economy has always been strongly linked to agricultural industries. The area has an abundance of surface waters, numerous wildlife refuges and preserves, and excellent hunting and fishing.

The early history of the Village of Lomira is closely interwoven with the town in which it is located, Lomira (town), Wisconsin Town of Lomira. The settlement of Lomira likely began with the migration of Indians. History stories suggest that the son of Black Hawk (chief) Chief Blackhawk camped in this vicinity, probably about 1840, while blazing a trail from Milwaukee, Wisconsin Milwaukee, 60 miles south, to Green Bay, Wisconsin Green Bay, 120 miles north.

Stories told through the generations report that in the earlier days of Indian settlement, the village was called Springfield. Possibly this name derived from the existence of a natural spring in the midst of lucious farmland.

There first record of a settlement is in 1849 at which time the name of Lomira was adopted. The first United States Postal ServicePost Office was established on 11 May 1849. Oral stories passed down offer two accounts for selecting the name of Lomira for this settlement. One story suggests that the name originates from the low land area around the village. Combining "Lo" with the mire and mud of the area created the name Lomira. The second story relates that an early family named Schoonover had a daughter named Elmira who was well known in the settlement. The spelling of Elmira's name influenced the settled upon village name of Lomira. Possibly, the name evolved due to aspects of both stories.

A petition for incorporation of the Village of Lomira was made to the circuit court of Dodge County, Wisconsin Dodge County on 24 March 1899. The petition described the designated territory of population "433 residents" as "containing a large number of stores, saloons, residences, elevators, hotels, blacksmith shops, cheese factory, planning mill and other places of business, and that the same is a railroad station." Copies of the petition were posted in the saloon of F. Kauper, the saloon of Peter Greiten, and in the store and office of Peter Wolf, "all of which said places are public places." Petitioners presented the incorporation order at a special term of the circuit court held in the city of Waukesha, WisconsinWaukesha, Wisconsin on 9 May 1899. Records of the public election on 3 June 1899 show 104 ballots were cast, of which 58 were cast for incorporation and 45 against.


Visit:   425 Water Street   Lomira, WI 53048

Call:   920.269.4112       


LOMIRA LOGO LG_edited.png

Village of Lomira

Dodge County, WI

Population 2,699

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