Jenna Rhein, Village of Lomira Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer
425 Water Street, Lomira
Office: 920-269-4112 x2
Email: jrhein@villageoflomira.gov
Ashley Gualderama, Village of Lomira Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
425 Water Street, Lomira
Office: 920-269-4112 x2
Email: agualderama@villageoflomira.gov

The Village Clerk-Treasurer performs all duties as stated in WI Stats. 61.25-26, including but not limited to: issuing licenses and permits, operating all Village elections, maintaining all papers and records of the Village, attending all meetings of the Board and Committees and keeping records of those proceedings, and directs and coordinates the preparation of the annual budget, sewer and water billing, property taxes, special assessments, etc. In addition, the Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for purchasing, administering all oaths of office, and is the keeper of the Village seal.
ADA Information
Notice of the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) the Village of Lomira will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities.
Click here to view the full Notice Under the ADA Act of 1990
If assistance or reasonable accommodations are requested, please contact the Administrator at 920-269-4112 x2 or email jrhein@villageoflomira.gov or submit a ADA request for Accommodation form at least 48 hours prior to a scheduled meeting or event to request an accommodation.
If you feel you have been discriminated against, you may complete and submit a Complaint Form. Information of the complaint process can be found in the Grievance Procedure Under the ADA Act.
Any questions about what the Village can offer, please contact our office as listed above and we'll do our best to answer and assist you.