Jan 9, 2025
425 Water Street, Lomira
January 8, 2024 7pm
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Tr. Jewell
Tr. Kohlmann
Tr. Loomans
Pr. Luedtke
Tr. More
Tr. Priesgen
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Consider the agenda as presented
5. Consider the previous meeting minutes
6. Appearances and public comments (limited to 2 minutes per person)
7. Consider appointing an applicant as a trustee to fill the vacant seat on the Village Board
8. Discuss Municipal Court vs. Circuit Court
9. Consider annual contract with Midwest Contract Operations (MCO)
10. Consider Ordinance #365, commercial building inspections
11. Discuss plans for continuing or discontinuing wheel tax
12. Consider the bills as listed: General Fund $83,804.81; Utility Fund $35,325.77
13. Department Reports:
PD: monthly DCSO report of calls for service
FD: monthly Fire Department report of calls for service, operations, etc.
Library: monthly report of programs, circulation
DPW: monthly report of maintenance, upcoming projects
Administrator: monthly report of updates, operations
14. Adjourn
Agendas are posted in the following places: Lomira municipal building and website www.villageoflomira.gov at least 24 hours before meeting(s). Persons requiring additional services to participate in any public meeting should contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s office at 920-269-4112 option 2 for assistance prior to the meeting.
Posted 1/7/25 12pm Lomira Municipal Building, www.villageoflomira.gov/agendas-minutes